ACC Cafe Ventoux ride Saturday 30th June

As a addition to the usual club rides there will be a ride to Café Ventoux which is located near the village of Tugby Leicestershire. Departing ALC at 07;30 there will be two groups one paced at 16 – 17 mph average headed up by Mike and the other a bit easier paced at 15 – 16 mph average headed...


Cycling Time Trials

The club is now affiliated to CTT if any club members fancy a go at Road time trials or Hill climbs  simply register on the CTT website this is free and you can then find ACC and add yourself to the club, you can register for events via the CTT site


ACC Kit Order

Club Kit A final reminder about an ACC Kit order that is being put together.  If you would like some Ashbourne Cycling club kit please could you put your order into Paul Mannion by Friday 19th June.  The more items we order the greater chance we have of getting a discounted rate.  There is a sizing chart and description of...