ACC Kit Order

Club Kit
A final reminder about an ACC Kit order that is being put together. If you would like some Ashbourne Cycling club kit please could you put your order into Paul Mannion by Friday 19th June. The more items we order the greater chance we have of getting a discounted rate. There is a sizing chart and description of the kit available on the website ClubShop enter club password ASHBCC1254 . If you are not sure about sizes, then do enquire with other members of the club to see if they can provide you with some kit to try, between the male members of the group we do cover the full size range J .
It is great to see a group of riders in the club kit and one thing is for sure that you will be seen on the road wearing the ACC kit. For those of you with a liking for black kit, please be aware that wearing dark colours when on the road make it harder for car drivers to see you. You actually start to blend into the road and the vegetation on the road side, so even if it is just a gilet that you purchase, this will make you stand out. Better to be seen on the road (to state the obvious).
Club Kit – Message for the Ladies
We have received two sample kits (size 12 & 14) which includes short sleeve top, shorts, bibbed shorts, bibbed longs, long sleeved winter training jacket, gilet. With the kit that Jacqui & Marie have we should now be able to accommodate the full range of requirements for the increasing number of female ACC riders. If you would like to try the kit before you make a decision about what to order, please can you contact Jacqui on 07707 297381 (text or call) or email , we can then try and arrange a ‘trying on session’. The deadline for kit orders will be June 19th and remember the more we order the greater the chance is of qualifying for a discounted rate.