ACC Needs You – Route Volunteers Please for B and C Rides
Ant will be stepping down from the role of designing and posting the weekly rides – he has been doing a fantastic job of this task for many years now and would like to hand it over. So it has been proposed to spread the load of this by involving more club members. For the A Rides, Hayley and Jon have already volunteered their services. We still need volunteers for the B and C rides please.
It is suggested that we have either one or two people responsible for each of the 3 group ride suggestions. All that is required is a strava link to the route, what the distance and elevation are and just a brief description of where the route goes. You can either pick one of the many routes we’ve done in the past or design a new one – remember to include a cafe stop too. If you haven’t registered for strava it is very easy to do and use – ask anyone else who uses it if you need any help.
We can stick to the present format of hilly/flat as that seems to be popular although if people wish to change this due to weather forecast or following suggestions maybe from other riders that’s fine. The route suggestion can then be sent by email or whatsapp to Marie Mcilroy who will ensure it is posted on the club’s 3 social media sites. You would need to message your route to Marie by the Thursday latest.
Thank you, that’s great! – please contact either Marie (07891 320041) or Ant (07768 055189) and let us know – the first route will be needed for Saturday 1st April (you could have a bit of fun with that date 😉 )