Hi folks,
Looking forward to seeing anyone who can make it for this evening’s ACC AGM plus Alex Latham Boal’s fascinating presentation on his North Cape Adventure Cycling Challenge. All ACC Members plus any friends & family are welcome to attend.
The AGM will start at 7 pm, followed by Alex’s talk at 8 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend both the AGM/and/or Alex’s talk. As we are planning to start both events promptly please arrive with enough time to get yourself a drink at the bar first. The venue is the Ashbourne Ex Servicemens Club in the market place. We will be using the large function room located to the rear past the bar on your right.
The AGM Agenda will be:-
1) Election of Committee Members
2) Statement of ACC Bank Account
3) Two items suggested from Committee members for consideration:-
a) proposal for idea to improve PR between ACC & the local community and b) idea to consider applying for funding for project ideas.
5) Dates for your diaries
6) AOB
7) Question & Answers invited from ACC Members
As stated in the ACC Constitution the Committee shall consist of a minimum of 4: Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Club kit Secretary, Website Secretary. We also in addition to this have 4 other ACC Members who act in the role of ‘General’ Committee Member.
Committee positions are in place for one year and thereafter available for new election on a yearly basis.
Our present Chairperson David Tibbit was newly elected late last year so it would make sense that he carries on until next May’s AGM – David is happy to do this so unless anyone has any objection this evening this is what will be proposed.
The other positions on the Committee are all up for grabs folks so please consider if you’d like to volunteer for any.
The Treasurer (Tim WS) and Secretary (Marie M) roles have been taken care of by these same two people for many years now. Tim would very much like to step down if possible. Marie is willing to carry on a bit longer but would appreciate it if someone might be willing to take on the role from the beginning of next year. Website and Club Kit have been very well taken care of so far by Matt and Jon but again according to the constitution we are obliged to offer up these roles as well, for consideration by ACC Members.
Before you all rush at once if you’d like to have a chat about any of these roles then please feel free to contact Marie or any other Committee Members to see what they entail.
Thank you 🙂