ACC AGM This Evening, 7.30 pm, Artisan Cafe Bar, Ashbourne
ACC AGM taking place this evening at 7.30 pm at the Artisan Cafe Bar, 33 St John Street, Ashbourne.
If you’d like to take a more active role in the running of your club please come along. Equally if you’d like to come along and offer your vote on committee members or just your ideas/comments then you are very welcome 🙂
Agenda items: 1) Club Roles/Responsibilities:
Memberships, Accounts Treasurer, Organising payment for Cub affiliation to British Cycling & Cycling Time Trials, Club Kit, Website & Facebook Pages, Club Challenge Rides & Social Events, Route Planning & Route Postings.
2) Vote on above for names of members responsible. Update constitution details accordingly.
3) Discuss further: Club Kit – Keep to same supplier? Agree to one or two order dates per year?
4) Proposal for Club Challenge Rides?
5) Review of Club Accounts
6) Affiliation with Ashbourne Triathlon Club?
7) AOB