Try Out Indoor Stages Bikes at ALC – Tomorrow evening – Social drinks afterwards
Come and try out the Stages bikes at Ashbourne Leisure Centre next Thursday 28th September, on a one hour Sufferfest session from 7 – 8 pm. Please arrive a bit earlier if you can, at 6.50 pm to complete a short bit of paperwork and to get familiarised with the bikes. Just turn up or secure your place beforehand by booking in with Marie – 07891 320041.
For this one session the club will be covering the cost for any ACC members wishing to take part. Please bring along though your ALC active membership cards if you have one. If you’re not a paid up ACC member you can still take part but will just need to pay the £3.50 charge for the session (- it’s a bit more than this if you haven’t got an ALC active membership card).
The Stages bikes are very good – well worth trying out and could prove to be a very effective ‘winter training’ substitute for outdoor training as well as being an excellent complement to your general bike training throughout the year anyhow. They are suitable for all abilities and you choose what pace and level you want to go at. Wear something cool as the room gets quite warm, bring a drinks bottle and small towel. The pedals on the bikes can accommodate trainers or you can clip in with cycling shoes – note though that the Stages cleats are the two bolt mtn bike style, not the 3 bolt road bike style.
We are hoping these weekly indoor cycling sessions will prove popular and are trying out Thursdays to begin with but if people prefer another evening we can look at that instead or in addition to the Thursday.
Social Drinks Get Together – last Thursday of the month – first one September 28th
Do people fancy getting together once a month after one of the indoor cycle sessions (or after the Thursday outdoor Chaingang rides)? Meet up for a drink – Ashbourne pub venue to be decided – straight after around 8.10 pm for about an hour – come along in your cycling kit or get changed if you prefer 😉
Looking forward to seeing you all either at the indoor cycling/and/or Social Drinks. 🙂