ACC News
Hi folks,
Here’s an update and a few reminders on club news:-
Affiliations ACC is affiliated with Cycling Uk, British Cycling, Cycling Time Trials Association and Nottingham and Derby Cyclocross. Click on the links to view what they can offer you and the benefits of joining Cycling UK and/or British Cycling.
Saturday Club Routes Clarification has been asked for the title definitions of the Saturday Club Routes:-
The A route remains unchanged – distance of around 50 – 60 miles, average speed approximately 17 – 19 mph, both depending upon terrain.
The only route that has changed is the old B route. This is still being titled the B route but offers an increased distance of around 45 – 50 miles, and generally a higher elevation than before. Average speed will aim to be between 14 – 16 mph, depending upon the terrain.
The old B route has now been renamed as the C route. The C route offers a distance of between 32 – 40 miles, average speed aims to be between 12 – 13 mph, depending upon terrain. Elevation aims to be around 1200 – 3500 feet. (There was a one off 4000 ft route recently but if used again in the future it will appear as a one off additional option to the normal C Route).
What was originally known as the ‘C’ Route is now called the Social Route and otherwise remains unchanged – it offers a distance of around 23 – 30 miles, average speed approximately 10 – 11 mph, both depending upon terrain. Elevation generally between 900 – 1800 feet.
Thank you to the Route Planners for the weekly planning of the routes. Your Committee members are keen to hear what you think about the routes – please give any feedback you have.
Yeavley Pop Up Cafe The Yeavley Pop Up Cafe at the Yeavley Arms Pub is now going to be a regular monthly event. Every first Saturday of the month 0930 – 1200. Funds raised go towards the village of Yeavley and their church. Occasionally the Club Routes may go via this cafe stop but if you’re out yourself on these Saturdays please go along and support them.
ACC Weekend Summer Cycling Trip Plans are progressing to organise a fixed based weekend of cycling – date set is 5th to 7th July. Please express your interest via the Club WhatsApp Group or message Marie Mcilroy direct.
Club Challenge Ride Our annual Club Challenge Ride – Hereward’s Hundred and Hereward’s Half will again be taking place this year on Saturday September 28th. Funds raised to be donated to Midlands Air Ambulance.
ACC AGM Date – TUESDAY 7TH MAY, 7 PM. VENUE – THE ARTISAN BAR CAFE, ASHBOURNE. Please come along and show your support at this meeting – we are planning a short meeting which will include re-election and new election of committee members – all posts up for grabs! Then there will be a chance to take a look at some samples of a new supplier for club kit (same design, just different supply). And then we are hoping that Alex Latham Boal will be presenting a talk and slides on his epic adventure cycle challenge he undertook last year – the North Cape 1800. Looking forward to seeing everyone :))