ACC Winter Saturday&Sunday rides

Just to let you know  a few details regarding the Saturday and Sunday rides:-
Saturday Rides
The suggested routes for the Saturday rides will continue to be posted each week on the club website and facebook but they won’t necessarily be emailed out, so do please check our main sites instead.  If anyone ever fancies suggesting a route then please feel free – if you don’t want to post it out yourself then let myself or Ant know and we’ll do it for you.
We will continue to do our best to ensure there is a ‘ride leader’ present for our Saturday B rides.  (The A rides pretty much run themselves).  If however there is not an obvious ride leader present please can people ensure that any new people are made to feel welcome and supported.  It’s a good idea to check with all the group who has route details and anyone who hasn’t then get them to stick with someone who does.  If the group does split into a couple of different paces then try to regroup at junctions or if you are going to separate into different paced sub groups then agree this so that we avoid anyone being left on their own. Make a point of checking on the club website or facebook what the route is going to be and even if you can’t download it onto a device then maybe note where it’s going or carry a small map print off.
Sunday Social Rides
These rides are going to decrease for the winter and will take place monthly instead.  The one for December will be Sunday 7th.  Thereafter the dates for January onwards will be posted out on the website and facebook.
As we move into the spring next year we will look again at restarting the Monday evening beginner rides and these may also replace the Sunday rides.
If people would like to get together more frequently for a Sunday Ride then do use the website/facebook/email or exchange mobiles to arrange getting together.  There are several suggested Sunday routes on the website that can be used.
ACC Christmas Social Gathering
Saturday 20th December lunchtime following the morning ride – check the website and facebook for details.


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