ACC Newsletter May 2018
Hi Folks,
Here’s a short newsletter to let you know the latest ACC news…
Thank you to those members who recently attended the Club’s AGM and for their comments and support shown.
Chairperson – Anthony Howson, Treasurer – Tim Walker-Sharp, Club Kit Secretary – Jon Standen, Social Secretary – Jacqui Kinch, Memberships/General Secretary – Marie Mcilroy, Club Website Secretary – Matt Harlow, General Committee Member – Vacant
The present committee were re-elected back in – there were no new offers of others wishing to stand – probably because the present lot are doing such a stirling job 😉 However, Ant, Tim & Jacqui would quite like to stand down if there are any others willing to come forward at any time to take over their roles. None of the roles on the Committee are particularly arduous and if you do feel you’d like to consider taking up a role then please contact any of us on the Committee to find out more. Generally we meet around 2 – 3 times a year and the meetings are never much longer than an hour or so.
The Club Bank Account is looking very healthy and we presently have 69 members who have renewed their membership subscription (this includes 9 new members this year). The present balance is standing at around £1300. If you have any ideas on where you feel the money should be directed to then let any of the Committee members know and we can consider them.
Jon Standen will be putting out a posting with regard to a Club Kit order for this summer as well as a new ‘winter kit’ bundle – watch this space….
We have Darley Moor Track booked for our own use on the following Thursday evenings from 6.30 pm until dusk:-
31st May, 21st June, 26th July, 16th August.
More information to follow but please put these dates in your diaries now. We’d like as many ACC Members as possible to come along to these – we will be practicing group riding & bike handling skills – the track is a great off road surface to practice and build confidence. The sessions will be free to ACC Members to attend as the cost will be covered by Club Funds.
In 2017 Club Funds paid for first aid training for 5 ACC Members who ride across the range of the 3 Saturday groups. We would like to encourage more members to first aid train this year and the Club Funds will cover this. Please let Marie know if you are interested in this?
We have 6 dates for these sessions on Monday evenings, 6.30 pm start at ALC, – 14th May, 21st May, 4th June, 11th June, 18th June, 25th June. Advertising has been distributed and we hope that it may attract any new riders who wish to try out Club Riding whilst increasing their confidence and bike handling skills. Thank you very much to the Club Members who have volunteered to help out so far.
It has been suggested that the Club run a basic bike maintenance session plus some help on ‘how to use your Garmin’ 😉
If you have any suggestions of a venue that would be suitable, a preferred date and what sort of bike maintenance you’d like to cover then let the Committee know?
Pickering Yorkshire weekend away: Friday 13th to Sunday 15th July:
13 people booked to go so far. If anyone fancies joining other ACC Members for a weekend of cycling in Pickering, let Marie or Jacqui know? Some people have booked a holiday cottage to share, separate B and B accommodation, and others are nearby on a camp site staying in their camper vans. The idea is that we will meet up on the Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday for a choice of routes to ride – should be something to suit everyone in a new area to explore…
Club Challenge Ride:
Hereward’s Hundred/Hereward’s Half – Saturday 29th September. A choice of routes with donations welcome towards Midlands Air Ambulance upon entry.
Date of next ordinary meeting for Committee Members:- Monday 24th September, 8 pm
Date of next AGM – open to all to attend :- Monday 13th May 2019
Thanks for reading this newsletter – look forward to hearing your comments….